SMA 2018 - Vendor Categories

clock • 11 min read

Below are the criteria for entering the vendor categories

Best Partner Programme




Who can enter? Any firm that is defined as a vendor and operates a UK channel strategy. These can be vendors of hardware, networking and software in all vertical markets, but the business must have a significant channel presence in the UK to qualify and obviously a channel programme that has been in place for more than a year. This can be a single or two-tier channel programme. The period covered for the awards is Jan 2017 to Jan 2018 so bear in mind when talking about additions/changes to programmes and the entry MUST be UK centric.


       Briefly describe your partner programme - ie length of time in operation, how it works, size of partner base, how rebates work, how partners get involved, what it offers partners?

        Do you have a partner portal?  If so can you give some details of the benefits it provides partners?

        How user friendly is it? Why do partners want to work with you?

        How much time/money do you invest in your partner programme each year? Why does it stand out from the competition?

        How does it help your UK partners? Do they enjoy working with you? Why?

        Please provide UK partner testimonials, this is key to a strong entry 


Written entries must be no more than 1,000 words and try to think about the judges when writing them. Use plenty of spacing, bullet points and paragraphs to construct your entry to make them easier on the eye. Avoid marketing speak and make the entry UK centric, using facts, figures and testimonials relevant to the UK market ONLY. PDF and even video entries are actively encouraged and remember to inject personality into your entry.





Best Partner Event




Who can enter? Any firm that is defined as a vendor and operates a UK channel strategy. These can be vendors of hardware, networking and software in all vertical markets, but the business must have a significant channel presence in the UK to qualify. The event mentioned can be a brand new event launched in the past year, or an existing regular annual event. It MUST be a CHANNEL focussed event and not one aimed at end users. It can be a UK based event or one abroad that you took UK partners to. But bear in mind the awards cover the period Jan 2017 to Jan 2018 when talking about events. Partner testimonials are welcome for submission as are pictures/videos of events.


        Please describe the event inclusive of duration and size and why you are entering it for this award

        Please reference any outstanding results in terms of attendance

        What benefits did it offer your reseller/distribution partners?

        What fun/social elements did the event have? Was it tweeted about? What sort of buzz did it create?

        Why did partners attend?

        What do they take away with them after the event? Have there been any significant business wins as a result?

        What do you get out of it as the organiser?

        Include testimonials from partners attending the event


Written entries must be no more than 1,000 words and try to think about the judges when writing them. Use plenty of spacing, bullet points and paragraphs to construct your entry to make them easier on the eye. Avoid marketing speak and make the entry UK channel relevant, using facts, figures and testimonials. PDF and video entries are encouraged, and remember to inject personality into your entry.



Best Company to Work For




Who can enter?  Any firm that is defined as a vendor and operates a UK channel strategy. These can be vendors of hardware, networking and software in all vertical markets, but the business must have a significant channel presence in the UK to qualify. The company must pride itself on being a great place to work both in terms of results/growth, staff/employee satisfaction/motivation, CSR and general company culture. The period covered by the awards runs from Jan 2017 to Jan 2018, so please bear in mind when talking about particular activities, trips or incentives offered to staff. Images can also be used if required.


  • How many staff do you employ in the UK? Where are they based?
  • Why is your company such a great place to work?
  • What do you think makes it stand out from your peers?
  • How does company culture help generate results?
  • Has your company used internal social media campaigns to generate a fun working environment?  How has this enhanced the staff morale?  Give examples.
  • How does your company empower staff to do their jobs better?  Give examples.
  • Can you give examples of CSR activities? ie Charity events etc
  • How do you motivate staff and engender loyalty? This can include outlines of bonus/commission schemes, extra leave, holidays, prizes etc
  • Please provide testimonials from your staff


Written entries must be no more than 1,000 words and try to think about the judges when writing them. Use plenty of spacing, bullet points and paragraphs to construct your entry to make them easier on the eye. PDF and video entries are actively encouraged, and remember to inject as much personality as you like into your entry.  



Best Marketing Campaign




Who can enter? Any firm that is defined as a vendor and operates a UK channel strategy. These can be vendors of hardware, networking and software in all vertical markets, but the business must have a significant channel presence in the UK to qualify. The period covered by the awards runs from Jan 2017 to Jan 2018, so please bear in mind when writing entries and referring to particular campaigns.  


  • What was the campaign and when did it run? How did it work? Please describe the campaign itself and its title.
  • Why are you entering this particular campaign? Why does it stand out?
  • Were any distribution partners involved?
  • Who was it aimed at? ie SMBs, Enterprises, Public sector (or other specific sectors)
  • How successful was the campaign - use facts and figures to back up claims.  How many resellers benefitted from the campaign?
  • Was there anything quirky or unusual about the campaign that really got it noticed?
  • Please provide customer (reseller) testimonials?


Written entries must be no more than 1,000 words and try to think about the judges when writing them. Use plenty of spacing, bullet points and paragraphs to construct your entry to make them easier on the eye. PDF/multimedia entries are encouraged and remember to inject personality into your entry.



Best Partner Website




Who can enter? Any firm that is defined as a vendor and operates a UK channel strategy. These can be vendors of hardware, networking and software in all vertical markets, but the business must have a significant channel presence in the UK to qualify and a partner website that has been in operation for more than a year. Investment in the website must have taken place between Jan 2017 and Jan 2018 to qualify for entry.


  • Briefly describe the website and what its main functionalities are (pictures can be provided)
  • Why are you entering your website? Why do you think it should win this award?
  • How easy is it to navigate and for partners to find what they want? Have you listened to partner feedback on your website? If so, what?
  • What are the best features of the website from a partner perspective?
  • How does using your website help resellers with their business?
  • How much have you invested in the website and can you prove demonstrable ROI on that investment?
  • Provide relevant UK Reseller testimonials
  • What do you think makes your website stand out from the competition? 

Written entries must be no more than 1,000 words and try to think about the judges when writing them. Use plenty of spacing, bullet points and paragraphs to construct your entry to make them easier on the eye. Avoid marketing speak and make the entry as tailored to the UK as you can, using facts, figures and testimonials. PDF entries are encouraged, and remember to inject personality into your entry.



Technology Innovation Award




Who can enter? Any firm that is defined as a vendor and operates a UK channel strategy. These can be vendors of hardware, networking and software in all vertical markets, but the business must have a significant channel presence in the UK to qualify. This award is aimed at a particular technology or technology set that has revolutionised business for channel partners and their respective customers over the past 12 months.

PLEASE NOTE: This is not an opportunity to market or sell a particular product or descend into techie speak, the award is aimed at describing how a product has actually helped make YOUR CHANNEL PARTNERS money.   Bear in mind the awards cover the period Jan 2017 to Jan 2018. Partner testimonials are welcome for submission.


  • Briefly describe the product you are entering and why it is being entered for this award. Why do you consider it to be innovative?
  • How does it differ/standout from the other similar products that are on the market in terms of innovation - again keep it brief and focus on the business benefits, not the complexity of the technology.
  • What benefits has this product or product set you are entering provided for your channel partners in the past year - facts and figures are a must.

        Demonstrate how sales of this product have increased through the channel in the past year and why (facts and figures needed)

        Why does this particular technology innovation deserve this award? ie because it has made a huge difference to partners' business, customer take up has been phenomenal etc

       Back up your claims with testimonials from actual channel partners and how this technology has helped their business in the past year. Get them to explain why they think this particular technology should win.


Written entries must be no more than 1,000 words and try to think about the judges when writing them. Use plenty of spacing, bullet points and paragraphs to construct your entry to make them easier on the eye. Avoid technical jargon and make the entry as tailored and personal to your UK channel as you can, using facts, figures and testimonials. PDF and video entries are encouraged, and remember to inject personality into your entry.




Most Innovative Social Media Campaign




Who can enter? Any firm that is defined as a vendor and operates a UK channel strategy. These can be vendors of hardware, networking and software in all vertical markets, but the business must have a significant channel presence in the UK to qualify.

It is proving increasingly difficult to succeed in business without an active social media presence - whether on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn or other popular platforms.  The aim of this award is to recognise imaginative and effective use of social media as a marketing or sales tool to raise awareness of the company itself or a product/service promotion.  The period the award covers is between Jan 2017 and Jan 2018 - so please detail successes during that period only to qualify for entry.


  • How long have you had a social media strategy in place and what are your key aims with your strategy? What platforms do you use and why?
  • Briefly explain the particular social media campaign you are entering for this award and why you think it deserves special recognition.
  • Are there any particular people on your social media team that deserve recognition for their work on this campaign? Who are they and what did they do?
  • Please provide stats, facts and figures to put meat on the bones of the entry and prove the success of your selected campaign. How did it actually perform in real terms? Did it generate a lot of business for your firm? Did it go viral?
  • Please provide testimonials from your channel partners to back up the entry. Why did they enjoy the campaign so much? How did they benefit? Did they take part?
  • Why do you think this campaign makes you stand out from the competition?


Written entries must be no more than 1,000 words and try to think about the judges when writing them. Use plenty of spacing, bullet points and paragraphs to construct your entry to make them easier on the eye. PDF or video entries are actively encouraged and remember to inject personality into your entry.


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