Market research firm Context has compiled the results of the PC Dealer/Context July questionnaire on dealers and their views on the introduction of the euro.
Have your PC and printer suppliers (manufacturers/distributors) Dealer/Context July questionnaire on dealers and their views on the introduction of the euro. contacted you regarding the eventual changeover to euro pricing?
This question revealed that manufacturers and distributors have contacted only four per cent of panelists regarding the euro, illustrating Context's findings that dealer's business should not be affected (see below). Therefore, manufacturers and distributors do not expect the UK market to be influenced by the introduction of the euro.
In your opinion, what effect will the euro have on your business?
Of the Context PC Dealer panel, 41 per cent indicated that the euro would have no effect on their business. This is probably due to the fact that most of the panel operate on a national rather than European basis. Although 17 per cent of the panelists expect a negative effect on their business, more than twice as many foresee the euro having a positive impact.
The euro opens UK business to European competition. How do you regard this?
Almost two-thirds of the panelists clearly predict no change in their European competitive status. The remaining panelists are almost equally divided as to whether the euro poses a threat or provides an opportunity to their business.
Will you seek or have you already asked for professional assistance in the implementation of the euro?
What budget have you allocated to the implementation of euro pricing?
Only nine per cent of the Context PC Dealer Panel, found it necessary to seek professional advice concerning the euro. This demonstrates a general lack of awareness among dealers regarding the euro and that they do not expect it to have a significant impact, with only a small percentage of revenue being allocated to the implementation of the euro pricing of dealers.