INDICATORS - Processor sales

This week's Context looks at the sale of processors in the business sector in the UK, France, the Netherlands and Germany.

week's Context looks at the sale of processors in the business sector in the UK, France, the Netherlands and Germany.
 PROCESSOR         APR 98    MAY    JUN    JUL
 Pentium II 266       7.0    9.9   17.9   25.2
 Pentium MMX 233     12.2   16.3   16.1   14.6
 Pentium MMX 200     21.9   19.2   15.5    9.9
 Pentium MMX 166     23.3   14.7   11.3    8.7
 Pentium II 300       6.1    5.7    7.2    8.7
 (C) CONTEXT SalesWatch 1998
 PROCESSOR         APR 98    MAY    JUN    JUL
 Pentium II 266       5.2    7.8   20.7   27.8
 Pentium MMX 200     33.6   36.2   21.1   19.0
 Pentium MMX 233      8.4   11.0   16.3   15.8
 Pentium II 233      13.2   13.3   11.3    7.6
 Pentium MMX 166     18.9   11.8    9.3    7.3
 (C) CONTEXT SalesWatch 1998
 PROCESSOR         APR 98    MAY    JUN    JUL
 Pentium II 266       5.8    5.2   14.9   21.6
 Pentium MMX 233      7.7   15.5   21.0   15.0
 Pentium II 300       1.7    3.8    5.7   13.9
 Pentium MMX 200     34.4   35.2   19.6   11.1
 Celeron 266          0.0    0.4    3.0    7.7
 (C) CONTEXT SalesWatch 1998
 PROCESSOR         APR 98    MAY    JUN    JUL
 Pentium II 266       7.5    9.4   26.0   36.4
 Pentium MMX 233      7.9   13.2    9.8   12.8
 Pentium MMX 200     34.5   26.7   14.7   12.4
 Pentium MMX 166     26.0   17.7   18.5    9.0
 Pentium II 233      11.6   14.8   12.8    8.4
 (C) CONTEXT SalesWatch 1998