Context looks at the market share of the top 10 processors in desktops and mini-towers in the business sector from May to October 1998

 MARKET SHARE (%)          MAY      JUN      JUL      AUG      SEP      OCT
 PENTIUM II 350           0.30     1.52     4.49     8.15    14.02    24.52
 PENTIUM II 266          13.87    26.31    36.31    36.74    28.58    22.20
 PENTIUM II 300           4.10     5.47     7.86    10.58    13.32    15.78
 PENTIUM II 333           0.59     2.07     3.64     6.17     6.15    10.77
 PENTIUM II 400           0.49     0.90     2.07     3.05     5.03     4.09
 CELERON 333              0.00     0.00     0.00     0.00     0.04     3.01
 CELERON 300              0.00     0.00     0.00     0.00     0.25     2.85
 PENTIUM II 233          18.25    21.26    12.70     6.89     7.23     2.55
 PENTIUM MMX 166          8.67     5.05     3.49     2.46     1.27     2.25
 PENTIUM MMX 233         12.65     9.85     7.83     7.12     7.39     2.24
 OTHER                   41.08    27.57    21.61    18.85    16.73     9.74
 (C) CONTEXT SalesWatch 1999
 MARKET SHARE (%)          MAY      JUN      JUL      AUG      SEP      OCT
 PENTIUM II 350           0.09     0.44     1.54     3.28     9.57    16.74
 PENTIUM II 266          10.10    27.22    37.31    47.99    26.33    16.40
 PENTIUM II 300           3.88     4.82     6.19     9.93    19.88    14.36
 PENTIUM II 333           1.02     1.22     1.99     3.20     9.86    12.40
 CELERON 333              0.00     0.00     0.00     0.00     0.76     7.78
 PENTIUM MMX 233         12.19     8.86    11.55     9.54     9.46     7.37
 PENTIUM MMX 266          1.68     1.69     2.16     2.34     3.74     4.10
 PENTIUM II 400           0.02     0.28     1.51     3.04     3.86     3.77
 PENTIUM MMX 200         27.12    13.33    11.48     5.40     4.08     2.75
 OTHER                   43.90    42.14    26.26    15.28    12.46    14.33
 (C) CONTEXT SalesWatch 1999
 MARKET SHARE (%)          MAY      JUN      JUL      AUG      SEP      OCT
 PENTIUM II 266           7.45    23.71    36.64    44.81    26.87    19.34
 PENTIUM II 350           0.00     0.35     0.92     2.35     5.18    13.68
 PENTIUM II 300           2.03     3.90     5.08     9.40    14.19    11.60
 PENTIUM II 333           0.21     0.59     1.06     1.96     6.00    11.13
 CELERON 300              0.00     0.00     0.04     1.03     2.67    10.35
 PENTIUM MMX 233         10.79    14.77    14.21    12.37    11.67    10.30
 CELERON 333              0.00     0.00     0.00     0.01     1.01     6.20
 PENTIUM MMX 200         48.76    28.97    18.73     7.59     7.55     2.53
 G3 300                   0.01     0.02     0.42     1.15     2.21     2.33
 PENTIUM II 400           0.00     0.18     0.30     0.77     1.22     2.32
 OTHER                   30.75    27.51    22.61    18.57    21.44    10.20
 (C) CONTEXT SalesWatch 1999
 MARKET SHARE (%)          MAY      JUN      JUL      AUG      SEP      OCT
 PENTIUM II 350           0.00     0.24     1.96     2.15     6.05    24.78
 CELERON 300              0.00     0.25     2.31     0.48     5.34    13.50
 PENTIUM II 300           3.84     4.99    13.49    11.31    13.34    13.44
 PENTIUM II 333           0.52     0.61     1.53     3.50     8.38    12.90
 PENTIUM II 266           6.54    18.67    28.91    44.12    39.74    10.06
 CELERON 333              0.00     0.00     0.00     0.00     1.43     9.27
 CELERON 266              0.47     3.23     8.96     9.37    11.48     4.48
 PENTIUM MMX 200         42.19    25.45    12.09     7.23     2.82     2.48
 PENTIUM II 400           0.00     0.13     0.66     1.84     1.20     2.00
 K6-2 333                 0.00     0.00     0.00     0.00     0.00     1.58
 OTHER                   46.43    46.42    30.11    20.02    10.23     5.51
 (C) CONTEXT SalesWatch 1999
 Context examines the total market share of the top 10 processors for the
 period May to October 1998 in the business sector
 MARKET SHARE (%)                   MAY-OCT
 PENTIUM II 350                        9.83
 PENTIUM II 266                       27.46
 PENTIUM II 300                        9.99
 PENTIUM II 333                        5.28
 PENTIUM II 400                        2.76
 CELERON 333                           0.63
 CELERON 300                           0.63
 PENTIUM II 233                       10.76
 PENTIUM MMX 166                       3.65
 PENTIUM MMX 233                       7.47
 OTHER                                21.53
 (C) CONTEXT SalesWatch 1999
 - The 350MHz Pentium II chip is the best-selling processor in the UK with
 almost 25 per cent market share. The Pentium II 266MHz processor is placed
 second with 22 per cent.
 - The Pentium MMX processor has steadily been losing market share.
 Combined share of both 166MHz and 233MHz processors is only five per cent.
 - The cheaper, faster Celeron processors are making a steady dent in the
 market. Combined share of the 300MHz and 333MHz processors is almost six
 per cent.
 MARKET SHARE (%)                   MAY-OCT
 PENTIUM II 350                        5.45
 PENTIUM II 266                       27.56
 PENTIUM II 300                       10.00
 PENTIUM II 333                        5.08
 CELERON 333                           1.48
 PENTIUM MMX 233                       9.78
 PENTIUM MMX 266                       2.65
 PENTIUM II 400                        2.12
 PENTIUM MMX 200                      10.45
 OTHER                                25.44
 (C) CONTEXT SalesWatch 1999
 - Intel's Pentium II 350MHz chip is the leading processor, with almost 17
 per cent market share.
 - The Celeron processor is experiencing more success in Germany than the
 UK, with almost eight per cent of the market share for the 333MHz chip
 - The Pentium II 400MHz chip also features in the German top 10 seller
 list, indicating a trend towards faster machines in Germany that is less
 present in other countries.
 MARKET SHARE (%)                   MAY-OCT
 PENTIUM II 266                       25.77
 PENTIUM II 350                        3.80
 PENTIUM II 300                        7.55
 PENTIUM II 333                        3.53
 CELERON 300                           2.41
 PENTIUM MMX 233                      12.41
 CELERON 333                           1.26
 PENTIUM MMX 200                      19.51
 G3 300                                1.00
 PENTIUM II 400                        0.80
 OTHER                                21.97
 (C) CONTEXT SalesWatch 1999
 - The top processor in the French business channel is the Pentium II
 266MHz, with about one quarter total market share in October. This figure,
 however, is a significant drop from the August peak of 40 per cent and the
 Pentium II 350MHz looks set to take the lead.
 - The previous market leader, the Pentium MMX 200MHz, is now on its way
 out. In May it held 45 per cent market share, a figure which had fallen 42
 per cent by October.
 - The Celeron 300 and 333MHz chips are gaining strength with a combined
 figure of 15 per cent.
 MARKET SHARE (%)                   MAY-OCT
 PENTIUM II 350                        6.39
 CELERON 300                           3.92
 PENTIUM II 300                       10.01
 PENTIUM II 333                        4.71
 PENTIUM II 266                       23.34
 CELERON 333                           2.02
 CELERON 266                           6.05
 PENTIUM MMX 200                      15.74
 PENTIUM II 400                        0.96
 K6-2 333                              0.31
 OTHER                                26.55
 (C) CONTEXT SalesWatch 1999
 - Intel's Pentium II 350MHz chip has replaced the Pentium MMX 200MHz as
 leader in the channel. Market share increased from zero to almost 25 per
 cent in the period May to October 1998. Meanwhile, market share for the
 Pentium MMX dropped 40 per cent during the same six month period.
 - The Celeron 300MHz is also doing well in the Netherlands channel. Market
 share has increased rapidly, growing more than 10 per cent from September
 to October. It now holds third place with 12 per cent market share.