Get what you deserve

Organisations more often than not end up with the IT system they deserve, not necessarily what they purchased. Read our expert advice to getting the best from your investments.

It is 20 years since the PC revolution, and in that time the UK's SMEs have had to embrace IT.

Yet few fully understand the role that technology can play in delivering business objectives and beating the competition.

Instead, technology is often viewed as a grudge purchase, and real commitment to exploiting the investment to the full is, in many cases, lacking.

Look around. Is this you? Do you have expensive software boxed up and unused on your shelves? Are you still handling dispatch manually and failing to update the system?

Have you spent 18 months and tens of thousands of pounds implementing a new system that just replicates the old?

And how many staff, fed up with upheaval and lack of information, have you lost in the process?

Yet the steps required to maximise the investment are far from rocket science:

An IT provider must understand your business dynamics to generate benefits from technology investment.

For an extra 10 per cent you can get a smooth implementation, manage the cultural change and keep the project on track.

However, such a big bang approach makes it difficult to keep the focus on the core business, let alone achieve a successful, integrated IT implementation.

Addressing small key areas monthly will achieve far more, with less disruption, than an annual approach.

It is time to throw away 20 years of cynicism, mis-buying and lacklustre approaches to implementation, and positively embrace the quantifiable benefits appropriate technology can bring.

Always remember, organisations usually end up with the IT system they deserve, not necessarily what they purchased.

Roger Fleury is director of CPiO.