INDICATORS - PC market growth
Context examines the year-to-year growth of desktop, mobile and server PC markets in the UK, Germany, France and the Netherlands.
xt examines the year-to-year growth of desktop, mobile and server PC markets in the UK, Germany, France and the Netherlands.
Q1 98 Q2 98
Desktop PC 10.3 15.2
Mobile PC 14.2 14.3
PC server 32.8 39.5
Corporate market growth 12.0 16.1
(C) CONTEXT RetailWatch 1998
The PC server sector is the fastest growing sector in the UK, reaching
almost 40 per cent growth in Q2 and gaining market share.
Desktop and mobile PCs are still experiencing growth, although not as high
as in other European countries. Market share remained almost unchanged
over the past year, with only the PC server sector showing any growth.
Q1 98 Q2 98
Desktop PC 23.5 18.4
Mobile PC 28.9 20.4
PC server 14.9 15.9
Corporate market growth 24.6 18.8
(C) CONTEXT RetailWatch 1998
Corporate resellers are showing strong growth in Germany, achieving almost
25 per cent growth in Q1 and 19 per cent in Q2. The mobile PC sector is
experiencing the highest growth in both quarters, with Q1 showing the
strongest growth and market share.
The second quarters of both 1997 and 1998 show a higher market share for
the desktop PC, while the mobile PC gains share in Q1. The server sector
is growing, although not as fast as in other countries.
Q1 98 Q2 98
Desktop PC 16.1 2.3
Mobile PC -4.9 -2.6
PC server 53.0 0.3
Corporate market growth 12.9 1.3
(C) CONTEXT RetailWatch 1998
The World Cup had a strong effect on the French market in Q2, when
corporate resellers experienced hardly any growth (1.3 per cent). The
mobile PC shows negative growth in both quarters, losing market share to
the desktop PC and server.
The desktop PC is still gaining market share in France, with Compaq and
Hewlett Packard fighting for the top slot, followed by IBM.
Q1 98 Q2 98
Desktop PC 50.9 25.3
Mobile PC 44.2 48.3
PC server 94.6 45.4
Corporate market growth 51.0 29.7
(C) CONTEXT RetailWatch 1998
The Netherlands' corporate resellers shows the highest year-to-year
growth. The channel grew by more than 50 per cent in Q1 and almost 30 per
cent in Q2.
The PC server showed the fastest growth, with Compaq's Proliant range
clearly dominating this sector. The mobile PC, having achieved almost 50
per cent growth in Q2, is also gaining market share at the expense of the
desktop sector.