Tuning into a new channel programme

How should vendor partner programmes evolve in the future?

CRN is pleased to launch question four in our ongoing Channel Debate.

Not a day goes by without a vendor either launching in the UK, and appealing for resellers and distributors to help it establish a market, or a well established vendor tweaking/revamping its channel programme/structure.

There was at one stage, a glut of vendors opting for the metal themed programme, dividing partners into Gold, Silver and Platinum levels, but now more and more are plumping for Premier, Authorised and Registered style partnerships.

Some even opted for a traffic light style programme, grouping resellers into Red, Amber and Green levels.

But is this model sustainable? Do channel programmes actually work?

How often should vendors re-evaluate their channel programmes? Do any particular channel models stand out?

Are vendors taking on too many top level partners, which stops their resellers from differentiating themselves from the crowd?

Are the programmes not demanding enough, or in fact putting too much pressure on already challenged resources?

Or is everything exactly how it should be and vendors should leave well alone?

What should vendors be doing to ensure a good working relationship with their channel partners?

Do vendors think resellers should be more proactive in telling them what they want?

Should distribution be playing a bigger/smaller part?

Is it time for a sea change on the whole structure of channel programmes?

We welcome all views and thoughts on this subject – from all corners of the channel including vendors, resellers and distributors.

Please leave your thoughts at the bottom of this story and remember to include your name, job title and company name. Don’t forget to vote in the poll as well.