Learning to sell IT to schools

The education sector offers a promising opportunity for resellers that can help overcome funding problems, writes Sean Read.

Faced with a slowdown in their core markets, many IT resellers and vendors have turned their attention to a market where high-profile spending appears to be continuing unabated: the public sector.

This government has continually raised the bar of spending in schools. In addition, it has set targets for levels of connectivity or inventory in the education sector, all potentially good news for the IT community.

Selling to schools is not always straightforward. Schools do not like to be sold to; they benefit from a consultative sell, and like to take their time.

The decision making process can be tortuous, requiring a seemingly endless round of presentations and meetings, even for a modest deal. Larger deals often go to tender, with the rules varying from one authority to another.

Communication can be frustrating, complicated by the demands of the busy school day. But relationships matter and, once caught, schools are very loyal, providing that they feel they are getting value for money.

Previous experience in the sector counts for a lot when pitching for new business. On the whole, schools are not early adopters; they like the comfort of tried and tested technology from a supplier with some experience and reputation.

And, of course, it helps if the benefits of your solution can be linked to improvements in pupil attainment or teaching benefits.

As in all markets, it's important to keep up-to-date with developments affecting your customers. In education, this invariably means one thing: funding.

Revised pension and national insurance costs, changes to funding formulae and the redistribution of funding have left many schools facing a deficit budget.

Financially all is not well at many state schools. Heads take their responsibilities very seriously, rightly demanding value for money, and they expect suppliers to deliver.

Having a finance option available often wins the day. It's estimated that over half of all UK schools have some experience of leasing, whether for IT, white goods, minibuses or other assets.

Schools are used to stretching their budgets and will welcome funding solutions. Teacher numbers are a clear priority for many, and meeting government IT targets requires finance.

Take control and ensure that you have a finance offering behind you from a company that understands the sector. If you don't offer it, somebody else will. And, in the long term, that will weaken your hold on the client.

Sean Read is director for education and government at Syscap.