Indicators - PC market share

Context looks at the sector split of desktop PCs, notebook PCs and servers in the corporate reseller market in four European countries.

PC market share

Context looks at the sector split of desktop PCs, notebook PCs and servers in the corporate reseller market in four European countries.

 MARKET SHARE (%)       APR      MAY      JUN     JUL      AUG     SEP
 DESKTOP PCs          67.51    69.42    67.49   68.47    68.3    67.95
 NOTEBOOK PCs         21.51    19.8     23.1    20.64    21.74   21.35
 SERVER                4.74     5.83     5.11    4.13     3.82    4.71
 OTHER                 6.24     4.95     4.3     6.76     6.14    5.99
 (C) CONTEXT SalesWatch 1998
 MARKET SHARE (%)       APR      MAY      JUN     JUL      AUG     SEP
 DESKTOP PCs          69.36    66.11    69.51   68.4     66.76   71.21
 NOTEBOOK PCs         20.76    27.11    20.58   23.31    23.33   17.97
 SERVER                4.53     4.03     4.73    4.14     4.58    6.57
 OTHER                 5.32     2.75     5.21    4.15     5.33    4.26
 (C) CONTEXT SalesWatch 1998

 MARKET SHARE (%)       APR      MAY      JUN     JUL      AUG     SEP
 DESKTOP PCs          78.10    79.64    77.97   80.40    74.52   76.32
 NOTEBOOK PCs         16.92    15.55    17.26   14.8     14.52   17.89
 SERVER                4.04     3.55     2.85    3.45     9.52    3.98
 OTHER                 0.94     1.27     1.93    1.34     1.44    1.60
 (C) CONTEXT SalesWatch 1998

 MARKET SHARE (%)       APR      MAY      JUN     JUL      AUG     SEP
 DESKTOP PCs          75.34    72.09    71.65   71.41    71.52   66.96
 NOTEBOOK PCs         19.81    23.40    21.59   23.45    23.68   25.79
 SERVER                3.25     2.91     3.76    3.78     3.40    3.80
 OTHER                 1.60     1.59     3.00    1.36     1.40    3.45
 (C) CONTEXT SalesWatch 1998

Total PC market share

Context examines the total market share of desktop PCs, notebooks and servers from April to September in the UK, Germany, France and the Netherlands

 MARKET SHARE (%)             APR-SEP
 DESKTOP PCs                    68.17
 NOTeBOOK                       21.35
 SERVER                          4.66
 OTHER                           5.82
 (C) CONTEXT SalesWatch 1998
 The division of the UK market according to product sector is fairly
 stable, with desktop PCs having the largest percentage of market share
 over notebooks and servers. But compared to France, the Netherlands and
 Germany, the overall UK corporate desktop sector holds the smallest
 percentage of market share.
 Notebooks, meanwhile, account for one-fifth of the market among corporate

 MARKET SHARE (%)             APR-SEP
 DESKTOP PCs                    68.65
 NOTEBOOK                       22.05
 SERVER                          4.79
 OTHER                           4.51
 (C) CONTEXT SalesWatch 1998
 The reseller market in Germany is divided in a similar way to the UK, with
 desktop PCs holding 68 per cent market share overall. However, in
 September, the desktop PC sector increased to more than 70 per cent, while
 the notebook sector lost market share.
 The server sector is larger in Germany than the other three countries.
 It accounts for almost five per cent of resellers.

 MARKET SHARE (%)             APR-SEP
 DESKTOP PCs                    77.95
 NOTEBOOK                       16.20
 SERVER                          4.40
 OTHER                           1.46
 (C) CONTEXT SalesWatch 1998
 The desktop sector is still very strong in France, although market share
 appears to be dropping slightly. Desktop PCs account for more than
 three-quarters of PC products in resellers, a figure greater than all the
 other countries analysed.
 The notebook sector holds a consistent 16 per cent of market share. The
 sharp 10 per cent rise during August was due to Hewlett Packard shipping
 more than 3,000 units of the LCII model at a special price.

 MARKET SHARE (%)            APR-SEP
 DESKTOP PCs                    45.4
 NOTEBOOK                       44.5
 SERVER                          2.3
 OTHER                           1.9
 (C) CONTEXT SalesWatch 1998
 The notebook sector is growing in the Netherlands. Market share among
 resellers increased six per cent during the April-to-September period and
 now stands at more than 25 per cent.
 The desktop PC is losing market share to the notebook sector. It dropped
 from three-quarters to two-thirds of market share during the six-month