Das capital idea

As a leader of men (not to mention women. And animals, vegetables, minerals and/or others, for that matter) staff relations have been a frequent topic for my scribblings. But, according to an email I received this week, even my terminology betrays an utter contempt for the proletariat.

Some helpful soul (to protect his anonymity let's call him Charlie - no, wait - Wally) told me he agreed with my take on the "happiness co-efficient of human capital assets being greater than their customer equivalents".

So far, so good (I think). But, wait! Before long, a serious Wally emerged.

"I resent the vocabulary that refers to human capital as staff," he pontificated. "These people you refer to as "staff" read your communications as well."

What a terrific Wally! His guidance was much appreciated. I've now let every member of the Dodgi family know they are my very much cherished human capital. Although, to be fair, the "human" bit is questionable in some cases.