Extreme cleaning
Last week I was delighted to come across more pioneering research from everyone's favourite publicity-shy security vendor, Credant Technologies.
Apparently, during the past year, UK dry cleaners have stumbled upon 4,500 memory sticks which have been left in people's pockets. Credant has its knickers in a right twist, as businesses could soon be hung out to dry if absent-minded employees compromise
customer data.
It seems the Information Commissioner's Office is no longer all mouth and trousers and is to be given the power to fine companies £500,000. Well, no one wants their dirty laundry aired in public.
Credant's chief marketing officer Sean Glynn urged firms to avoid getting taken to the cleaners. (OK, that's enough now.)
"If sensitive or valuable data is being carried, people should protect it with encryption," he opined.
Too true, Sean - if only there were a company offering some kind of encryption solution!