Channel Awards

With less than two weeks to the channel awards there is little else I'm focusing on at the moment.

But I have just remembered that I intended to point readers in the direction of a blog from one of our judges - Antony Young from Demuto.

He was a self confessed cynic about IT awards in general, believing who spent the most meant they had a greater chance of winning.

As you all know we have completely changed the judging process this year following a growing number of complaints and it has required a tremendous effort from a lot of people to get to the final results.

The process is not perfect yet and I am planning a number of other changes and improvements for next year - but we are getting there.

But I know that on the night there are going to be quite a few unhappy people and an equal amount of happy ones. This time around I have 22 people I can call on to back me up!

Please have a read of Antony's blog here - it says it all really.