CRN Conference

I am happy to say that the CRN Conference at the Madjeski Stadium in Reading went well yesterday.

Apart from the obvious disappointment in HP for holding its Gold Partner Conference on the same day. From what I gathered the conference was only announced a few weeks ago, whereas we had announced the conference several months ago. Thanks HP.

A huge thank you to Westcoast's Joe Hemani for being in the spotlight with our Q&A feature in the morning and for his generous donation of two iPads to the people who asked the best questions from the audience. The winners have been picked and they will be receiving their prizes shortly. I have to say I am a little jealous - but well done to them both.

We also had excellent and information packed presentations from Gartner's Tiffani Bova and CEBR head Douglas McWilliams.

Annoyingly at the conference the topic that came up the most throughout the day was the cloud. There is just no escaping the damn thing.

But there is little we can do to control that - apart from changing our name to Cloud Reseller News - well hey, at least it would fit!