Death by data?

According to some recent research, people are spending 23 per cent of their time on social networks as they are faced with an ever increasing wave of data.

I'm assuming this is more aimed at the younger end of the spectrum who can't seem to function properly if they are not tweeting their latest movements, or checking out what their 9,000 friends on Facebook are all up to?

23 per cent is one heck of a long time to spend trawling through Facebook, with or without a smartphone - although I can believe it.

Incidentally watch what you post on Facebook or it will definitely come back to haunt you in later life.

I do use Facebook, but am trying to keep it personal by only accepting people on there that I genuinely count as friends, and not using it to accept business contacts.

But I did go quite red faced the other day when someone commented on my profile picture before a CRN news interview......a friend's hen night pictures are probably not the best to use!

Said picture has now been removed and will be replaced with something more appropriate - just in case my name comes up in other searches!