Bossy vendors

One thing that annoys me more than anything is when a vendor that is riding the crest of a wave comes down on its channel partners for daring to voice anything negative about them.

This leaves partners too terrified to speak out, even if there are grave injustices going on, in fear that they will lose their partnership status.

It is a fact of life that none of us can be perfect all of the time, and all have to take criticism at some point - deserved or not.

Rant and rave by all means, but effectively gagging partners from voicing their opinion doesn't seem a democratic way of doing business to me.

In fact, it stinks, and is bullying at its highest degree.

As someone said to me last night at CRN's Business Club dinner - you can trample on as many people as you like on the way up but don't forget you have to meet them all again on the way back down.

Wise words indeed.