How do you cut yours?

So the Chancellor has launched a Spending Challenge web site to find out where the people would like spending cut.

Well as a tax payer I have many suggestions - some of them I wouldn't even put in print.

But how about: Not paying politicians expenses (they are paid way too much already) and making them pay for their own travel out their own wages like everybody else has to, abolishing the House of Lords (£300 a DAY just for turning up?), cutting all the ridiculous jobs that councils and central government have created over the years and cutting all the quangos that have sprung up and don't actually add any value to anything. Ever.

That should get us off to a good start.

We all know that money needs to be saved and that the government has inherited a humongous mess from Labour, but this latest lot keep going on about how the private sector is going to help us out of recession.

Not if you keep cutting projects (such as BSF) that are fulfilled by private sector companies, it won't.

By all means streamline the processes, but don't just cut things outright without thinking ahead.