Recession is over?
So farewell then, the recession.
Or is it?
The UK economy grew by 0.1 per cent in Q4 2009 for the first time in six quarters, according to the Office of National Statistics' latest data.
Now I'm not a fan of dampening down excitement - but one quarter of extremely weak growth does not a recovery make. Not the last time I looked anyway.
What annoys me is the screaming headlines from the national media, which helped drag us down into the gloom and doom with all its scaremongering about the 'credit crunch' last year.
"Recession over, it's official"! They all cry.
Talk to the hand.
Things may well be on the up, but personally I think we are still in for a hard slog for the next six months, and there is no guarantee that we will not hit the famous double dip that economists have been predicting.
I think we should start to feel more positive, but maybe not get out all the bunting and party bags straight away.