Bird brains

Since becoming the proud owner of six chickens I have had a lot of people ask me - are they as thick as they look?

The answer is no, they are not. They might not be the brightest of all the creatures on this earth, but they do have some sort of a brain in there.

They know not to break the eggs that others have laid, and also that when they see me it means they are going to get some food. They also know not to go out the gate unless I tell them to.

However a parrot in the US has proved birds do have brains by saving the life of a little girl. According to Sky News, a parrot called Willie called for help after the child choked on her breakfast. If he hadn't raised the alarm the girl would not be here today.

I can't see my chickens calling for help, but if anything tried to attack me they would give them a damn good peck. That's enough for me!