Educashun, educashun, educashun

Research out today by eLearning specialist IMC (UK) Learning, shows that over half the business leaders and HR professionals it surveyed believe the standard of education in the UK has deteriorated in the last decate.

They are not alone.

Even more worringly, 77 per cent of those 100 people surveyed, believe a lack of basic skills among school leavers and new graduates will contribute to a 'significant fall' in the country's competiveness.

The problem in my humble opinion is that schoolchildren are far too mollycoddled from real life nowadays thanks to years of meddling by the 'do good' brigade. It is all about stats and testing pupils at every stage, rather than letting them develop as human beings. Competition is also frowned upon in schools now because the nanny state doesn't believe anyone should be made to feel second best. Sadly, in real life you cannot win all of the time.

Every stage of life is a competition - whether it is a promotion, a new job or just trying to survive. Knock-backs and rejection in life make you a stronger person and more determined to succeed. If this is something you are just not used to - the easy option is just to give up at the first hurdle and blame everything on everybody else. Hard work and determination is the only way to get ahead.

Proper communication skills are something else that many young adults (not all of them I hasten to add) seem to lack, which is vital in a business environment.

Until schools start going back to the basics and teaching simple things like respect, using initiative, communication and good old fashioned competition, this problem is only going to get worse.