A parallel universe
How far removed from reality are the people in the banking sector?
Not only are they paying out massive bonuses to themselves with OUR money, but it turns out that one of the people most responsible for the start of our financial mess 'Sir' Fred Goodwin is collecting a cushy £693,000 pension a year.
In most companies failure involves being reprimanded in some way, rather than having money thrown at you.
Deluded Gordon Brown thought the guy would have a conscience and voluntarily take a severe cut in his fat payouts - but who in their right mind would do that?
He should have his knighthood (why on earth did he get one in the first place?) stripped from him and have no say in the matter over his pension. Thousands of people all over the country have seen their pension funds decimated as a result of this finanical crisis - do they get any say?
It really sends the right message to all the young people out there that are the future workforce of this country - screw up and you get to line your own pockets, do a good job and you get absolutely no recognition or reward for it.
Something is so terribly wrong with this picture.