In whose interest?

Now, I'm not deliberately trying to be contraversial here - but am I the only one to be annoyed at yet another interest rate cut?

I'm one of those rare creatures that actually tries to save a little money now and again and all I get in return is punished by the banks with ridiculous drops in the interest rate - rending the pathetic amount I do get in interest hardly being worth the bother. Thanks Gordon (not Alistair or should that be Mervyn?) yet again - you truly are a genius.

Is this truly fair?

How about actually rewarding people that have tried to be sensible over recent years rather than living way beyond their means and getting into debt?

The really annoying thing is that the people these interest rate cuts are supposed to be helping, who have got themselves into debt by maybe buying a house they couldn't really afford, or taking out a loan because times were so good, aren't actually benefitting anyway because the cuts don't ever seem to affect mortgage rates, or loan interest rates.

The only winners seem (yet again) to be the banks themselves.