Eggwatch part 1

Thanks to everyone who attended a lunch today where I was the guest speaker! It was a first for me and I actually enjoyed it very much.

Good to meet some new faces and catch up with people I hadn't seen for years. I hope everyone else found it useful.

However one thing that has arisen from it is I have to do a regular Eggwatch.

For those of you who I haven't excitedly told - I am the proud owner of six hens - which are supposed to be laying eggs round about now.

However so far there is no sign and it is going beyond a yolk (sorry couldn't resist).

I'm hoping in the next few weeks I will be rewarded for my patience - trekking down to them in the pitch black every morning to let them out, feed them and clean them.

If anyone else keeps hens and can offer me any tips - I'd be very grateful.