Another day, another channel firm caught selling pirated software.
We at CRN have been banging on about illegal software for as long as I have been at the title, but it doesn't seem to make a blind bit of difference.
As many people have told me - there are always going to be firms out there that take a chance and cannot resist the lure of lower software prices.
Symantec has come down hard on one UK distributor, forcing it to pay out £700,000 in fines and court costs, and it is also monitoring other firms across Europe which are believed to be involved in similar activities.
I have to point out though - maybe as well as penalising firms for using/selling illegal software - the vendors should examine their own pricing and see if there is anything they can do to give genuine customers more value for their money. if prices are reasonable in the first place - people would not feel the need to look for a better deal.