Grin and bare it

A reseller disrobes to a frosty response - find out more here...

I was disappointed to find out this week that a vendor executive friend of mine received a tongue-lashing for a recent good deed.

The charitable chap recently bared some flesh for charity (although, I'd have gladly paid him to keep his kecks on) and asked his buds in the channel press to put the word out.

Unfortunately, a joyless marketing person caught wind and sent my pal a rather snooty email. Kenny Killjoy told him that, ordinarily, the vendor is more than happy to be linked to its employees' charity activities. But not when it's "unprofessional and of poor taste".

Oh, come on. My mate's naked body (not pictured above, I hasten to add) may be generously proportioned (for the most part). It may be hairy, bumpy, pasty and deeply disappointing in the cold light of morning, but it is certainly not unprofessional, nor in poor taste.

In hindsight, he probably shouldn't have covered his pride and joy with a branded USB stick, though.