A Date with destiny
Read about one distribution exec's bizarre and terrifying interview technique
I was chatting with my friend Caesar recently who used to have the dubious pleasure of working underneath a well-known distribution exec (let's call him Charlie Channel) and he revealed the industry veteran employed a bizarre and mildly terrifying technique when grilling potential new hires.
"At the end of my interview, the other directors left and in strolled Charlie," said my buddy, still clearly traumatised, even 10 years after the fact.
"He fixed me with a thousand-yard stare and said: ‘Right, I've got one question and one question alone for you... what would our Graham say about you if you were on Blind Date?'"
Caesar was taken aback. And he was even more surprised a week later when he found out he'd got the job.
He didn't think Charlie had been won over by the line: "Gardening lover Caesar is the Roman Romeo who's good with his hands and wants to get green-fingered with you."