Fish tongue anyone?

Surely the most unappetising dish on a menu?

I have just been to a very nice lunch with a well known graphics card and processor manufacturer whose name consists of three letters. Can I give any more away there?!!

We were sitting in the restaurant nicely, perusing the menu, when everyone's eyes fell on the same item at once.

Cod tongues on a bed of whipped mashed something or other.

Cod tongues? Really?

Who on earth thought one day while looking at a cold, dead fish, that cutting out its tongue and serving it on a plate of mash would be a delicious starter?

Reach for the bucket.

I know any foodies reading this would call me a barbarian and have me escorted off the premises, but personally I can think of tastier parts of the fish I would rather eat.

Funnily enough, no one on our table ordered said delicacy, even though I dared one of them to do so.

Please do let me know if this 'delicacy' is something you have tried and loved.

I dare you.