iPhone autocorrects

A friend of mine sent me a hilarious email with examples of iPhone autocorrect mishaps.....

I joined the world of iPhone owners last year and while I absolutely love it - the one annoying feature is the 'autocorrect' feature.

I'm sure it can be turned off somehow - but I always forget to look into it - and end up sending text messages to friends and business contacts with some embarrassing howlers in them.

Made all the more embarrassing because I am supposed to be an editor and should know better.

So the email I received from a friend today, detailing some of the autocorrect mishaps was all the funnier and something only iPhone owners will truly appreciate.

The function is extremely sneaky and when you are in a rush to send a text - sometimes these things just slip through before you notice them and by the time you DO notice them it is too late.

Anyone interested in receiving the email do let me know - it is very funny - and I will send it to you - but beware - it contains naughty language.