Apple sold out again
iPad 2's US launch is greeted with the usual crazy high jinks
With numbers unclear on how many iPad 2's were actually sold over the weekend in the US, the only thing we all really need to know is that Apple has done it again.
Analysts are fighting between the 500,000 and one million mark- but I think it is too early days to actually say for sure.
You can see why it sold out - the new iPad is thinner, lighter and features enhanced touch-screen capabilities as well as a front and rear-facing camera.
From all accounts the fanboys were out in force at the launch, with queues stretching far away, and many major retail outlets selling out of stock completely.
I'm sure the scenes will be repeated when the new gadget is launched in the UK as the Apple faithful descend on their nearest Apple store.
I have to say I'm also glad that I didn't invest in an original iPad for Christmas - I would have been left very annoyed indeed, particularly as the new machine is selling for the same price as its predecessor.