Autumn Statement

Maybe not looking so good out there, eh George?

Well. From what George Osborne is hinting at during his Autumn Statement then it looks like things aren't going to get better that quickly.

He has basically admitted that he will not eliminate the government's budget deficit by 2015 as predicted because economic growth is so sluggish.

Most of us could probably have told him that already.

I don't like giving any current politician any credit (basically because I don't like any of them) - but the government did inherit a total economic mess and it is not going to be sorted out overnight.

They warned that people would feel some pain, and boy are they right, with soaring living costs and ever rising inflation denting consumer and business confidence.

Cutbacks are happening everywhere and this climate really is hurting everyone in the pocket.

One thing I am pleased about is the rail fares announcement which will see fares rise at one per cent above inflation rather than three. Personally I think rail fares should be cut. They are disgracefully expensive already and not tax deductible.

However from a business point of view - where are the cuts in red tape? Why are banks still not lending? Why are business rates so astronomically high still?

Will we really see some action on these points now?

What about Europe? How much longer can the farce go on for before common sense begins to reign once more? (no I am not a fan of the Eurozone - did you guess?)

And on a more personal note - what does this all mean for our industry?

I have no way of predicting that, but the number of positive stories I am hearing from our readers gives me hope.

Many channel firms are recruiting, seeing positive growth and experiencing record sales. Others are keeping their heads above water and surviving, despite the tough times.

We have all felt the pain before and are a little wiser to it than perhaps some other industries out there.

There still is positivity in our market and I will ensure CRN does its best to keep rooting it out to keep spirits up.

Whatever happens in the coming year, we are in for a rocky ride and there are some negative stories to come.

But without sounding too cheesy, I am convinced the channel will emerge the other side of this battered, bruised, but with its head held high.