Drumming up business

Dave learns more about the extracurricular acvtivities of one vendor chief

I was recently offered the chance to have a tête-à-tête with the big boss man of storage vendor Coraid and was intrigued to see that his marketing bods attempted to lure me into a meeting by filling me in on his extracurricular activities.

They assured me that chief exec Kevin Brown could fill me in on "the secret behind his company's amazing growth and success in the UK and worldwide".

Sounds good - but here's the kicker. "Spearheading Coraid is Kevin's day job but in his spare time, he prefers to set the pace with a pair of drumsticks," said the marketing bumf. "A keen drummer for more than 30 years, he regularly plays with his rock band Cover My Six."

Makes sense. I guess if his nine-to-five is full of the mile-a-minute glamour and prestige of being a storage boss, it'd be nice to spend some time as that one at the back who never gets the girls.