Hovering, but will we go in?

According to recent GDP figures we are one quarter away from a recession

The last three months of 2011 saw the economy shrink for the first time in a year according to the latest UK GDP figures.

That means we are one quarter away from officially being in recession.

Our national debt reached £1tn for the first time as well - I dread to think of the interest payments on that.

Everything seems nationally to be in a right mess and I'm confused by all the policies coming out of Westminster if I'm honest.

What exactly are they hoping to achieve? Nothing seems to flow together or appear to always be thought out.

If it is keeping everyone in a constant state of misery and worry - then they have definitely succeeded.

But at least the electricity bills have fallen a bit - phew!

If like us at CRN you are frantically concentrating on innovating your way out of this mess then I think you just might make it.

Those of us that just sit on our backsides and wait for the inevitable may well not be here this time next year.

Staying positive is the only way to get through this depressing period in the economy and shouting about your success is the best way to keep morale high.

There has to be a lot of success around in the different macro-economies that make up the general economy.

I definitely want to hear more about it.

I'm sick and tired of constant doom and gloom.