Time for a break up

My love affair with the products made by a fruit-based vendor is coming to an end

Well, it has been a beautiful time in my life.They say you never forget your first love.

In my case, my first smartphone love was the iPhone - the 3G to be exact.

I facebooked, I tweeted and texeted along with the best of them on my shiny toy, I lovingly bought it new covers and screen protectors, but the relationship is well and truly soured now.

I've had enough.

When my contract finishes (which I hope is soon) I will not be getting another iPhone.

I have had my latest iPhone - the 4S - for about 14 months now and the service I get from it has been getting steadily worse, rather than better.

The battery barely lasts a day thanks to the new iOS I've been forced to install, and the life drains out of it quicker than a weed left out in the burning sun. Apps keep freezing and it just isn't playing ball any more.

Also I've been given a shiny Windows phone for work purposes which makes the iPhone look dated and blocky in comparison.

Of course for all the fanbois out there I know there is such a thing as the iPhone 5 etc etc, blah blah, but I can't stand it any more. I won't be a victim of the forced upgrade process any longer.

Our relationship is over. Kaputt. Finito.

I cannot take away the popularity of Apple, nor would I want to. But Samsung is definitely eating away at its biggest rival as the two vendor's reverse fortunes recently showed.

But more and more long-term iPhone users I speak to are seeking alternatives because they are getting fed up of having to tow the Apple line all the time.

I will always remember our time together fondly.

But this is how it must be.