CRN Women & Diversity in Channel Awards 2022 - Winners Photos

CRN Women and Diversity in Channel Awards 2022 - Winners

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LGBTQ+ Inclusion Award winner: Softcat

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Manager of the Year (reseller/solution provider): Vicki Oneill-King, Sapphire

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Mental Health Champion of the Year: Alexander Lewis, Softcatt

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Outstanding Returner Award: Zuleika Phillips, Zoom

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Role Model of the Year (reseller/solution provider): Emma de Sousa, Insight

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Sales Employee of the Year (reseller/solutions provider): Helen Croft, Computacenter

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Diversity Champion of the Year: Juliet Baker, Adobe

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Graduate/Apprentice of the Year (reseller/solution provider): Megan Land, SCC

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Health and Wellbeing Recognition Award: Softcat

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Marketing Employee of the Year (reseller/solutions provider): Rohima Begum, SCC

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Rising Star Award (reseller/solution provider): Amie Mulderrig, Insight

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Unsung Hero (reseller/solution provider): Debbie Pitt, Computacenter

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Executive Mentor of the Year: Olya Scekaturova, Computacenter

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Gender Parity Award: Maintel

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Manager of the Year (vendor/distributor) Yasemin Pereira, Adobe

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Role Model of the Year (vendor/distributor): Justine McDermott, Cisco

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Unsung Hero (vendor/distributor): Hannah Hinder, Westcoast

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Cultural Inclusion Award: Softcat

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Diversity Employer of the Year: Softcat

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Graduate of the Year (vendor/distributor): Sophie Hendry, HP

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Marketing Employee of the Year (vendor/distributor): Helen Wells, HP

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Rising Star Award (vendor/distributor): Monica Stefan, Twilio

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Sales Employee of the Year (vendor/distributor): Kate Steele, Lenovo

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Technical Employee of the Year: Emma Wright, Softcat

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Woman of the Year: Larisa Lucaciu, Lenovo

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Softcat celebrate award wins

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Look back on all the winners' photos from CRN's Women & Diversity in Channel Awards 2022