Close up on audiovisual
A round up of all the latest and most important news to effect this dynamic sector
It is almost impossible to be anywhere nowadays without noticing the amount of technology around you. Most football grounds now have massive screens showing the team line-up, encouraging fans to chant, and repeating the goals. In shops there are flat screen TFTs dotted around to point shoppers in the direction of the latest bargain.
The boom in consumer buying technology such as Media Center PCs, home projectors, and high definition TV has lead many resellers to consider the audiovisual sector as the ‘next big thing’.
In the business-to-business sector, audiovisual technology such as videoconferencing, electronic voting systems and electronic white boards has received growing interest from firms wishing to update their existing technology and cut down on corporate travelling.
CRN is first with all the news, views and comments on this dynamic sector.
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