The 2021 Channel Awards - Why should you enter?

With just two weeks to go until the 2 July deadline, CRN catches up with some past winners of the Channel Awards who share their own words about why the event is important to them, what winning means and why more companies should bite the bullet and submit an entry

Graeme Watt, CEO of Softcat explains why the reseller giant uses the CRN Awards to celebrate recognition of talent in the UK IT industry

"Softcat is a people first business, and the vibrancy of our culture is founded on nurturing talent and potential for personal growth.

"Through many years of partnership, we firmly believe that CRN shares the same values and we support the annual industry leading awards and events as a unique opportunity for us and the entire channel to showcase exceptional performance, talent and achievements from across the UK.

"I have a genuine personal belief that coming together to celebrate the efforts of individuals is fundamental to motivating all IT Professionals, irrespective of age or experience to ‘go the extra mile'.

"In a strongly competitive world, to be nominated for and ultimately win a CRN award is highly prized, gives great kudos and I would strongly encourage anyone ( and everyone) to take advantage of CRN' s premier UK industry recognition programme. There is nothing to lose and everything to gain - including making new friends along the way.

"There is no better feeling than sharing a successful entry with the entire team. External recognition, and especially the CRN awards, tastes so sweet."

See Next Page for Alex Tatham - managing director of Westcoast's views...

The 2021 Channel Awards - Why should you enter?

With just two weeks to go until the 2 July deadline, CRN catches up with some past winners of the Channel Awards who share their own words about why the event is important to them, what winning means and why more companies should bite the bullet and submit an entry

Alex Tatham, managing director of distribution giant Westcoast explains why taking part is so crucial.

"I joined the channel in 1995 at Ideal Hardware. Our team there valued the [then] PC Dealer Channel Awards extremely highly and Ideal won the prized Distributor of the Year several years running. I was hooked then and have committed to enter ever since in every category that we could. I am sure many of us in the channel have been to other award ceremonies - all of which are a third of the size at most of our leading awards.

"In fact, there are very few bigger awards for business categories in Britain. The Channel Awards are iconic, and involve so many in our industry. There is a lot to celebrate as the channel grows ever more important in the delivery of IT cloud, software, hardware and services and is there a more important time to celebrate this success as we emerge from a pandemic with so much great work having been delivered throughout the UK channel?

"These awards require strong entries in every category to maintain their relevance and vendors, distributors and resellers should be highlighting their success to a panel of their peers. So what if you don't win?! It makes you try harder next year and focuses management's attention on successes and competition - which in turn drives improvement.

"At Westcoast, we put a lot of effort into our entry and circulate the entry internally before the nominations are announced showing all our people what we are proud of each year. It buys them into these awards too and makes them proud of our business.

"The channel awards are a force for good and for improvement. You've got to enter!"

See Next Page for Neil Sawyer, UK&I channel director at HP Inc's views...

The 2021 Channel Awards - Why should you enter?

With just two weeks to go until the 2 July deadline, CRN catches up with some past winners of the Channel Awards who share their own words about why the event is important to them, what winning means and why more companies should bite the bullet and submit an entry

Neil Sawyer, UK&I channel director at HP Inc shares his thoughts on why the awards are so important.

"The CRN Awards are a fantastic opportunity to showcase the great work that our UK&I channel industry has achieved over the past 12-months. For HP Inc, it provides us with a national platform to highlight the work and our continued commitment that we have had with the channel for over 35 years.

"At HP, we are passionate to demonstrate how industry partnerships in the technology sector enables us to deliver stronger business outcomes together. I speak on behalf of the whole team at HP on the impact that being shortlisted for an award provides. Industry recognition is valuable to any team, and it inspires and motivates us to continue to win together.

"Over the years, I have come to appreciate the dedication and commitment the judges place in attributing the awards to worthy winners from across the industry. I'm honoured to have been selected to be a judge this year. I take a lot of pride and joy in learning about the great stories of business development, outstanding performance, and the strength our industry has shown over the year.

"Finally, the awards showcase how the entire UK&I channel is a family of dedicated, talented, and committed people, one that constantly reinvents and strives to achieve the best.

"The CRN Awards are uniquely placed to celebrate success and connect with industry colleagues and friends."

See Next Page for Hayley Roberts, CEO of Distology's comments....

The 2021 Channel Awards - Why should you enter?

With just two weeks to go until the 2 July deadline, CRN catches up with some past winners of the Channel Awards who share their own words about why the event is important to them, what winning means and why more companies should bite the bullet and submit an entry

Hayley Roberts, CEO of Distology explains why the awards are for everyone, not just the biggest companies.

"I know I am not alone when I say that most of the channel, certainly in the UK - regularly turn to CRN for our latest news digest of what is new and happening in channel across vendors, resellers and indeed my favorite subject; value added distribution.

"The channel is effectively a lot of people and businesses trying to communicate good technology to end users and as a distributor, I want the reseller and vendor network to know who we are, what we do and above all how amazing we are as a business.

"So, what better way to communicate the wins and achievements we've experienced over the year, than to a community that understands the hard work involved - the trials and tribulations, and everything in between?

"In my opinion, there is no other more credible award to win than the CRN award for that very reason. Contrary to some beliefs, these awards are not only for the big companies such as Cisco and HP etc. - as Distology proved last year winning the Cloud Distributor of the Year against some extremely large competitors.

"I would encourage any channel business with something good to say and who genuinely care about the growth and success of channel to get writing their award entry and celebrate what an amazing industry we work in and the talent that exists.

"After all, tech is the industrial revolution of our time! If we're not going to celebrate our wins, then who will?"

See Next Page for Linda Patterson, group marketing director UK&I at Tech Data's comments....

The 2021 Channel Awards - Why should you enter?

With just two weeks to go until the 2 July deadline, CRN catches up with some past winners of the Channel Awards who share their own words about why the event is important to them, what winning means and why more companies should bite the bullet and submit an entry

Linda Patterson, group marketing director UK&I at distribution giant Tech Data explains why the channel needs these awards.

"It's always important to recognise and reward achievement - whether it's a business or a colleague. At Tech Data, we are always striving to meet changing needs of the channel and deliver higher standards of service.

"Entering the Channel Awards is about demonstrating that you have a real belief in your vision and a passion for constant improvement and success.

"To us, success means doing everything we can to help our customers advance their own businesses and achieve their goals. Winning - or even being shortlisted for a Channel Award - is a demonstration that you are delivering real value and benefits to your customers and the industry as a whole.

"In addition, the process of pulling together the entries makes you focus on just how far you have come and what you have achieved over the past year.

"The opportunity that CRN Channel Awards provide to celebrate what we've achieved as a channel is something we need more than ever this year.

"As well as recognising the leading players, the CRN awards bring organisations and people from across the whole UK channel together to celebrate their collective as well as their individual achievements.

To submit an entry and read all the criteria, please click here. The deadline for entries is Friday 2 July. The best of luck!