MSPs: Evolve or face extinction

Exclusive CRN UK and research of UK and US managed service providers reveals biggest challenges facing today's players and how the future looks for the next generation of MSPs

Many channel players have made the bold move into managed services, and are either rebranding as an MSP or are heavily pushing their services credentials.

The pain of restructuring sales teams, compensation schemes and taking a hit as business models switch to recurring revenue streams is still very fresh in the minds of many players, and some are still going through the process, or are making their first moves.

But making that move is no longer enough to ensure survival, with the increased level of competition in the market and the constant evolution of services on offer, plus increased customer demand and value-for-money expectations.

So what does the future hold? What is keeping most MSP bosses awake at night?

CRN UK and our sister publication have produced an exclusive transatlantic report on this very subject, the result of speaking to nearly 300 MSPs in both the US and UK markets, about how they see the next-generation MSP evolving, and what the main trials and challenges will be in the coming year.

Also, which technologies are they placing their bets on, and what should vendors be doing to help?

The report, and presentation of the findings will only be available at CRN’s MSP Channel Conference, taking place next week in central London.

Also on the agenda are plenty of keynotes from MSP peers, looking at how they have evolved their business, what the key challenges to becoming a fully fledged MSP actually are, and how they see the market changing.

To get hold of a copy of this exclusive research, see the full agenda and to attend the CRN MSP Conference, register here.