Lenovo partners could 'earn more than 30%' on sales through new global channel framework

Lenovo partners could 'earn more than 30%' on sales through new global channel framework

PC and datacentre vendor to roll out Lenovo 360 in January 2022

Lenovo partners could earn 30 per cent more on sales as the vendor launches a new global channel framework which goes live next month.

Lenovo 360 will launch in January 2022 and promises to give partners easier access to the entire Lenovo portfolio encompassing devices, infrastructure and services.

It follows the reorganisation of the Lenovo business earlier this year into three business groups: Intelligent Device Group; Infrastructure Solutions Group; and the Solutions and Services Group.

The Lenovo 360 framework is the culmination of a restructure which saw Lenovo geo and marketing teams across PC endpoint and infrastructure come together into single teams to report to a single channel leader responsible for Lenovo's entire portfolio.

The vendor says the Lenovo 360 framework will help partners to capitalise on "service-led" and "solutions-led" opportunities, and comes at a time when customers both large and small are increasingly shifting to the "everything as-a-service" consumption model.

Channel bosses Pascal Bourguet and Jane Ashworth previously told CRNthat the goal is to promote a "One Lenovo" vision and to make it easier for partners to access the entire breadth of Lenovo's portfolio.

Today Lenovo revealed that the Lenovo 360 framework will include accelerator programmes for overperforming partners such as "Better Together" and "TruScale Accelerator". These initiatives give partners the opportunity to increase their earnings by more than 30 per cent on sales across Lenovo's portfolio as well as through as-a-service sales.

The Lenovo 360 framework, which launches in January 2022, will also offer new training, certifications and channel marketing playbooks.

Global channel boss Bourguet said the framework was born from a need for some partners to diversify their business towards more services and solutions sales.

"Lenovo 360 unites our portfolio in a way that delivers easier access to our full suite of products and solutions and will allow partners the opportunity to pursue those goals, while still offering our PC and infrastructure-focused partners anything that they demand," he said.

"Many of Lenovo's partners are seeking disruption-proof solutions for their customers, considering the lessons learned during the pandemic. Solutions that support such new norms as work-from-anywhere (WFA) and other hybrid working models will be available to the channel under one structure now."

In September Lenovo expanded its TruScale platform to include all of its as-a-service offerings. It followed the launch of a device as-a-service offering in the UK in June 2021.