Swings and roundabouts for the DRam distributors

Prices in DRam continue to fluctuate widely with Datrontech and other memory distributors reporting price swings.

Before the last bank holiday weekend, prices dropped by 35 per cent, leaving a number of firms with stock on their hands.

But Alan Stanley, managing director of Dane Elec, said that one Korean manufacturer had raised the price of its 4Mbit pieces by $7 after being accused of DRam dumping by the US government.

30 pin (no parity)

1Mbit/2 chip $13.00

4Mbit/2 chip $42.00

4Mbit/8 chip $60.00

30 pin (with parity*)

1Mbit/3 chip $16.00

4Mbit/3 chip $49.00

4Mbit/9 chip $67.00

72 pin (no parity)

4Mbit $41.00

8Mbit/16 chip $77.00

8Mbit/4 chip $98.00

16Mbit $168.00

32Mbit $331.00

72 pin (with parity*)

4Mbit $65.00

8Mbit $116.00

16Mbit $237.00

32Mbit $401.00

*The prices are for real DRam parity Simms and not the BP/VT Asic parity generator Simms. All prices quoted exclude duty and freight.