UK enterprises hold firm on IT spend

30 per cent of UK firms have increased their IT services budget this year, IDC has found

Despite UK enterprises adopting a cautious stance over 2009 budgets, there are still as many that are increasing their IT spend as there are that are cutting it, according to market watcher IDC.

The analyst found that 30 per cent have increased their IT services budget in 2009, 30 per cent have decreased it and 40 per cent are holding spend steady.

For 2008, 52 per cent said they increased their IT services budget over 2007, 12 per cent decreased it and 36 per cent said it was unchanged.

Mette Ahorlu, consulting director at IDC European Services, said: “UK enterprises have reviewed their IT spending plans carefully in light of the economic crisis, and 2009 will not see growth similar to previous years.

“However, it is not all doom and gloom. Fewer new projects will start, but projects that address crisis demands, such as cost cutting and work process efficiency with a short-term horizon, have a good chance. Also, projects relating to post-merger-and-acquisition IT integration and global integration of companies' IT environments will fare best."