ANS shows star quality

VAR awarded three star Michelin-style status from Best Companies

VAR ANS Group has won the highest possible accreditation from Best Companies, in the form of a three star rating.

Structured the same way as the Michelin style system, Best Companies offers one star to businesses that are considered first class, two stars for an outstanding company and three stars for ‘extraordinary achievements’.

Paul Sweeney, managing director of ANS Group, said: “It is fantastic to know that our leadership is valued. We are very proud that based on our own staff’s feedback, 92 per cent thought that the company leaders were an inspiration. In addition 98 per cent felt positive about the company as a whole.

“A positive atmosphere and workplace engagement is an integral component of any company’s success and growth and here at ANS Group we pride ourselves on supporting and encouraging our staff at every level,” he said.

“The Best Company Accreditation highlights to the outside world that our company is not only a forward thinking and successful business but also a great place to work,” Sweeney added.