Centrix offers online calculator

ROI tool will help resellers determine whether customers are a good candidate for large virtualisation projects

Gee: projects are stalling in the pilot phase

Application delivery vendor Centrix Software is equipping its channel with a free online calculator that can be used to assess the viability of virtualisation projects.

Launched at VM ’09, the Centrix WorkSpace ROI calculator is billed as the first tool to give an assessment based on application metering in a virtual environment.

Lewis Gee, vice president of sales and marketing, claimed resellers had previously struggled to build business cases around large virtualisation projects, especially those involving virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI).

“Projects are stalling in the pilot phase because they sometimes do not go as well as expected,” he explained. “By using our technology, a reseller can carry out a better early-discovery phase to see if they are a good candidate for VDI or not.”

Centrix works through distributor DNS Arrow and has two VARs ­ Cetus and Centralis. The goal is to boost the line-up to 12 this year.

Kelly Layton, marketing director at Citrix and VMware partner Cetus, said the ROI tool would give the VAR a way to start talking to customers about WorkSpace.