3Com puts $100,000 price tag on technology
3Com has stunned modem manufacturers by demanding thousands of pounds for use of the recently ratified 56K technology, which is based on a patent owned by the vendor.
According to 3Com, a patent, which was bought from Dr Brent Townsend by US Robotics two years ago for the concept of Pulse Code Modulation, is the core theory behind the modem technology.
The vendor is now attempting to claim a flat fee of $100,000 from each company manufacturing equipment using its technology, plus $1.50 for each modem shipped using the V90 standard.
UK manufacturers expressed surprise at 3Com's intention to charge for use of its technology.
Phillip Crocker, marketing director at Shiva, said it would follow legal patent demands, but would investigate the claims first.
He added Shiva would also be seeking guidance from Rockwell, which is still trying to resolve its own patent issue.
The latest row is reminiscent of the debate over a modem standard which divided vendors, with 3Com supporting x2 technology while others, including Rockwell and Lucent, offered K56Flex.
However, the row ended in January when the V90 standard was agreed in front of the International Telecommunications Union.
Lucent and Rockwell have said they believe they own patents instrumental to the standard, but 3Com is the only company to resolve its intellectual property rights.