Reader's lives: Akka boy, Dave
This Manga-loving managing director started out in a bakery
Akka: Started out on a technical path
Number of staff you manage?
My direct team has 12 and the entire regional organisation around 40.
Golf handicap?
My last one was 24.
How many beers before you fall over?
I do not drink, which makes me the designated driver when out and about with my mates.
Car or other vehicle you drive?
A BMW 630.
What was your first job?
A summer job at a local bakery. I learnt to crack eggs, measure butter and flour and to wash up!
How much did it pay and was that fair?
A little a bit under minimum wage, but I got to take home a lot of cakes and biscuits, so I guess for a summer job it was fair enough.
How did you get into IT?
I took an assembly course and loved it. I then continued down a technical path and, later on, a commercial one.
If you were a superhero, who would you be?
I very much like Manga comics and cartoons, so I guess any good Manga superhero.
Are you looking forward to the London Summer Games in 2012?
This is like a dream come true; I always wanted to watch the Olympics games live. I am hoping to source tickets to the opening and closing ceremonies.
What sport should be in the Olympics but isn’t?
I like watching rugby and think it should be in the Olympics.
What was the last movie you saw at the cinema?
I love Guy Ritchie’s movies. The last movie I saw at the cinema was Sherlock Holmes, but I was a bit disappointed. It was too long and the dialogues never-ending.
How do you relax, and do you find it easy to switch off from work?
I work out in the gym, run a lot, and like reading.
Which is your favourite city?
I love Florence, Barcelona, New York, Tel Aviv, Stockholm, and Bath. It is very hard to pick one.
Is there any future in simply selling packaged product?
Yes, if you are SAP, Oracle or Microsoft. For the rest of us, I would suggest looking at something different, such as SaaS or mobile-based.
Which is more satisfying: money or power?
A good balance between the two.
What is your ideal holiday destination?
Somewhere with a lot of history, good food and good shops.
What would you like to eat tonight?
Shepherd's pie.
Is IT well taught in schools?
I think there are some really good schools out there that focus on IT skills and teach them quite well, although these are specialist schools and most of the mainstream schools could improve their IT teaching.
David Akka is regional managing director for Magic Software Enterprises