IDC predicts Euro IT market set to boom

US suppliers in search of scapegoats for flagging performance will have to look outside Europe as research firm IDC is predicting that the European IT market is set to grow by 8.3 per cent this year.

A number of US suppliers have blamed recent financial difficulties on poor European performance and unfavourable economic conditions in the region. But IDC predicted that increased spending on the year 2000 crisis and the systems conversions associated with the single European currency mean companies selling in Europe will have good sales.

In addition, IDC expects the European economy to bounce back into steady growth in 1997. Valued at $197 billion, the Western European IT market will equal about 29 per cent of worldwide sales.

Andrew Doyle, research analyst for IDC?s European IT Market Perspectives, said: ?In a substantial number of cases we are seeing a hastening of the upgrade cycle to become date and currency compliant, rather than looking for patches to cover existing architectures.?

The UK is set to be the strongest overall performer with 9.2 per cent growth, but substantial expansion can be expected in Greece where the immaturity of the market leaves significant room for new sales.