Vistorm ready for IA windfall
VAR hopes to benefit from information assurance market's growth
Security VAR Vistorm has bullish plans to grow by more than 60 per cent next year to cash in on a boom in the information assurance (IA) market.
The VAR, which launched its own IA appraisal scheme to protect its customers from the increasing number of corporate threats (CRN, 22 June), commissioned analyst IDC to carry out a study on the IA market. IDC predicted that the market will double in size to £1.3bn by 2010. The report also claimed that security issues now affect brand, reputation and image.
Darron Antill, general manager for sales and marketing at Vistorm, said: “Information assurance has been around as a topic for quite a long time in the government space, but it is now booming in the corporate and commercial sectors. Our expansion plans are to grow the business again by 67 per cent next year.”