Imago turns on IPTV
Distributor unveils onscreen updates for resellers
Imago has launched an internet TV service for VARs that will provide updates on developments from the distributor and its vendor partners.
The service, Imago TV, will form part of an IPTV market that will grow to 11 million subscribers in western Europe by 2010, according to analyst Strategy Analytics (CRN, 17 March).
James Vickerage, head of marketing at Imago, said: “Imago TV benefits resellers and vendor partners because it allows vendors to get their message to the VAR channel directly through video. This is more effective than using paper or email.”
Vickerage added that Imago TV will provide resellers with updates on product launches, promotions, product training and case studies.
“This is a free service available on a subscription basis to all of our VARs,” he said. “For the products we sell, there is a lot of accompanying information and our resellers want to be kept up to date.”
Colin Farquhar, chief executive of IPTV vendor Exterity, said: “It is a good idea from Imago. A reseller sitting at his desk and getting the latest information from Imago on screen makes sense.” C
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