Eurodata on the hunt

VAR sets its sights on more mergers

Simon Aron: Luckily we did not need to borrow any money

VAR Eurodata is running the rule over several more targets after completing the first acquisition in its 19-year history.
The mid-market-focused reseller recently bought NetApp, Datacore and Microsoft partner Transam Microsystems (Channelweb, 15 October), adding about £5m to its £20m turnover.

Simon Aron, managing director of Eurodata, said: “Thankfully, we did not need to borrow vast amounts of money to do this. Banks have battened down the hatches and are referring even the smallest amounts of money to credit control committees.”

Aron said Transam had spoken to 16 firms since putting itself up for sale in January and described the acquisition as opportunistic.

“But we are looking at quite a few companies,” he added.