SMEs granted free access to public sector deals

Government unveils three-month trial designed to boost SME access to public sector contracts

The government has launched a three-month trial granting SMEs free access to thousands of public sector contract opportunities.

Between May and July, new registrants to the website can bid freely for a slew of public sector deals worth under £100,000 in the UK and Northern Ireland.

The free trial is part of the Department for Business’ Enterprise Strategy, which aims to boost the proportion of government business won by smaller firms.

Over 5,000 public sector buyers have registered to since its launch in June 2006. Many of the 79,000 contract notices posted so far have been under the £100,000 value.

Business Minister Shriti Vadera said: "Introducing Britain's small firms to Government procurement contracts online will provide opportunities to grow that they would not have otherwise found.

"Encouraging more small businesses to register for opportunities will mean buyers benefit from increased competition and access to a wider range of suppliers."

John Wright, Federation of Small Businesses national chairman said: Opening up public sector procurement to the UK's 4.5 million small businesses can and should eradicate the false assumption that biggest is always best."