InTechnology in Compel deal
Distributor to handle all aspects of migrating reseller onto the Exchange 2003 platform
Channel tables were reversed last week, as distributor and managed services firm InTechnology provided reseller Compel with a complete managed email, data backup and storage service.
InTechnology will now handle all aspects of migrating Compel onto the Exchange 2003 platform and provide backup in its data centres.
David Mather, IT manager at Compel, said: “Like most businesses we don’t have the internal resource to keep email systems and management up to date. The business now demands 24-hour a day email with ample storage space, where data is seamlessly backed up, archived and secured against attack.”
The reseller will pay for the service on a per-user per-month basis.
Bryn Sage, managing director of InTechnology’s managed services division, said: “By handing over email management to us, businesses get all of the benefits that email can offer without the burden of continual system management.”
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