Burlon exit turns spotlight on 3Com European policy
3Com has provoked fears that its channel policy will revert back to being controlled on a national basis following the departure of its European distribution director.
Stephane Burlon's resignation at the beginning of the month follows hot on the heels of the departure of UK client access marketing manager Bob Bowden, who left the vendor on 14 August (PC Dealer, 26 August).
One source said: 'Burlon was responsible for much of how distribution was structured and all country managers used to report to him.'
He added: 'After the merger of 3Com and US Robotics, the vendor moved to a European structure so distribution could be controlled, but it is unsure what will happen now Burlon has gone.'
The vendor is reviewing its channel after Kevin Vine, UK general manager for consumer, distribution and SME sales at 3Com, previously stated that he was aiming to chop two or three partners out of 3Com's 10-strong channel.
A source claimed there was doubt as to how distribution would be run, stating that a move to a country-centric channel structure would cause confusion.
'3Com products are can be bought and sold anywhere so if a distributor introduces price cuts in one country then sales would only show in that region. The company would buy where the products are cheaper,' he said.
Burlon's exit from 3Com follows the departure of Fiona Faulkner, general manager of the client access division, and Clive Hudson, vice president of client access products, who both left the vendor in the past six months.
A source said: 'Burlon used to work at USR and it makes you wonder that since Hudson left, the biggest shake out of people has not been from 3Com.'
3Com was unavailable for comment.